On October 3, 2021 the bodies of 87 year old John Enders…
What does a will contest and a 40 foot dinosaur named Sue have to do with each other? Estate of Darlene Williams
In 1990 fossil hunters made the incredible discovery of a near perfectly…
Contesting a Will: Estate of Bette Davis
As a NY estate lawyer with over two decades of experience litigating…
Can I contest a NY Will? Estate of Harlan Douglass
As a NY estate lawyer with more than two decades of experience…
Estate of Thomas Kinkade: What are holographic wills?
If the will depicted above does not look like a valid Last…
What is the Rule Against Perpetuities under the NY estate law? Estate of Wellington R. Burt
As a NY estate lawyer with more than two decades of experience…
What is a partition action under the NY estate law? GFP Real estate et. al. v. Nathan Silverstein
As a NY estate lawyer with two decades of experience handling NY…
What happens when a will is intentionally destroyed by someone other than the testator? Estate of Thomas Walshe
Brian Walshe is currently in police custody awaiting trial in the murder…
What happens when there is no will? Estate of Anne Heche
As a NY estate lawyer it never ceases to amaze me to…
Why should I have an attorney draft my NY will? Estate of Nichelle Nichols
There is a very good reason most New Yorkers have their NY…